Home Getting Started How to set your Targeting

How to set your Targeting

Last updated on Nov 24, 2023

Your "Targeting" tells the system what types of followers you want get using our service. 🎯

The Targeting Tab lets you select, filter and optimize the type of audience you want to attract and engage with. In short - it's the most important place on your dashboard. 💪

You must set your targeting in order for your growth to start.

Click the "Add Target" button to add your first target.

When adding a target, you can choose between Accounts and Hashtags. Add a good mix of both for best results.

Target Types

Accounts - When you add an account, our system will find and follow users that are following that account! If your account is in the same niche, those users will have a very high chance of following you back and engaging with your content! 💹

Hashtags - Adding a Hashtag tells our system to find and engage with users that have included that hashtag in their posts. For example, adding trending hashtags related to your industry or competitors is a great way to target engaged users that will want to check out your profile. 👀

Best Practices

While the most important thing is to make sure your targets match your profile and audience, there's a few other important things to keep in mind:

  • Your Targets should not be too large, or too small. Smaller targets will be spent too quickly, and larger ones have a tendency to give you a lower quality audience.

  • Try to find targets that range between 20k and 250k followers.

  • Regularly monitor your Followback %. This is the number of users from that target that decided to follow you. While this stat takes some time to calculate, it's incredibly important. You should aim for 10% or higher on all sources.

  • Update your targets regularly, remove underperforming ones and add fresh targets that better align with your audience.

  • And of course - Don't forget to set your Filters!